
TitlePersonal papers of Miss K. Halpin.
DescriptionPoem about 'the secretary' which was previously in a frame, Article from the Daily Herald 'Do women panic in time of emergency?' (19/02/1939), Copy of the mention in the London Gazette of a Women's Voluntary Service member who was awarded 'The medal of the Civil division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, for Meritorious Service' for disarming and capturing a german airman (19/07/1940), Letter from the Lords Commissioner of His Majesty's Treasury informing that the Women's Voluntary Service should continue their work (17/01/1946), Civil Defence Circular No.87/1945 'Future of the Women's Voluntary Service' (13/09/1945), Newspaper cutting informing of Lady Reading's life peerage award (24/07/1958), Biographical notes on Lady Reading (November 1973).

Certificate awarded to Leeds C.B. WVS winners of the WVS bedcover Competition (1964), No.1 'The Job That Counts: Chairman's remarks' a newsletter highlighting local acheivements of general or national interest, Copy of Chairmans Newsletter (09/01/1974).

Home Office Press Notice informing that there will be a new Chairman for the WRVS (24/07/1973), Copy of a speech given by WRVS Chairman at the annual conference entitled 'Framework for the Future' (September 1973), Copy of a speech given by WRVS Chairman at the opening of the Annual Conference (1974) includes a copy of letter sent by the WRVS Chairman to members asking them to put in writing their recollections of Lady Reading (October 1974), Speech given by WRVS Chairman in connection with the 40th Anniversary of WRVS founding (1978).

Photographs of: The presentation of Chairman for WVS Scotland portrait, Lord Lieutenant presenting a BEM, WVS members marching in the Victory Parade (08/06/1946), Kathleen Halpin talking at Whitworth Aircraft Ltd. Five photographs of Kathleen Halpin throughout her life and career (undated).

Notes for talks on voluntary service to be given as part of the WRVS training for members taking responsibility, Summary of a speech given by Miss K. Halpin on the Local Government re-organisation and WRVS own re-organisation (1973), Notes and lists to assist Local Organisers with re-organisation includes: Notes for guidance on general policy, list of circulars, stationary list and list of Departmental forms (October 1974), Copy of 'The Role of a District Organiser' (20/06/1974), Circular announcing the appointment of the first Male Vice Chairman of the WRVS (20/07/1977).

Newspaper cutting informing that Miss Halpin had been awarded an OBE (1942), Order of Services for various 21st Anniversary Commemorations (1959), Copy of the newsletter 'The friends of the girls public day school trust' which includes an article about Miss Halpin's life (1991).
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