Description | WRVS Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes from the first official meeting (09/01/1974) to the last (06/10/2012). There are also the minutes from a meeting held on the 05/12/1973 to discuss organising and extending the Association. Some of the minutes have accompanying records such as: Agendas, programmes of events, invitations to the meetings and reunions, attendance lists and letters of thanks.
Letters of recommendations and nominations for Chairman of the Association (1983/1984, 1987/1988, 1989/90), Nominations for Committee members (1989), Recommendations for Committee members (1990-1993), Results of the postal ballot for the election of Chairman and Committee members (06/06/1988, 25/05/1989).
'History of service' [Information on a members work within the WRVS] for members who were nominated as Chairman and Committee members (1989-09/06/1994).
Secretarys reports: 27th AGM (24/10/2000), 28th AGM (20/04/2001), 31st AGM (25/09/2004), 32nd AGM (24/09/2005), 34th AGM (22/09/2007)-37th AGM (02/06/2010). Treasurers reports: 27th AGM (24/10/2000), 31st AGM (25/09/2004), 32nd AGM (24/09/2005), 34th AGM (22/09/2007)-37th AGM (02/06/2010). Chairman's reports: 35th AGM (20/09/2008), 37th AGM (02/06/2010). Recruitment and Publicity report: 35th AGM (20/09/2008).
Address given by WRVS Chairman at 9th AGM (02/06/1982), History of the WVS/WRVS Association in Australia (17th AGM correspondence), Letter in which states that subscription fees will increase from £1 to £1.50 (03/06/1986 13th AGM correspondence), Half yearly report for Devon, Somerset and Cornwall (June 1996 23rd AGM correspondence), WRVS Association President's Speech (15/07/1997 24th AGM correspondence),Chairmans Review (32nd AGM correspondence 2005), A photograph of the top table at the 32nd AGM meeting (24/09/2005), Letter in 34th AGM correspondence which outlines that the WRVS Association was a completely separate organisation from WRVS (29/08/2007), Email from WRVS Director for People concerning the implementation of the WRVS Network (05/08/2011). |